Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Amazing Thing is God Going to do Today?

"...I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. (Matthew 11:25)"

I love to hear my kiddos pray in the morning. We pray when we get in the car each morning because I am the parent that gets in a rush and forgets to pray before meals or bedtime. We have gotten better about bedtime prayers lately (more because of Jacob and Jude reminding us), but we now have a tradition of praying in the car. The other morning after prayers, I asked the boys, "What amazing thing do you think God is going to do today?". Before the question left my mouth, I had a list a mile long of all the amazing things I needed God to do that day. I had some pretty tall and interesting orders for Him before the day had truly begun. But when the boys started to answer I was a bit taken aback. My true expectation was that they would each talk about school or Transformers or movies...I was, as I so often am, way off base.

Jacob, "God is going to make the plants grow, and the trees, and the grass."

Jude, "God is going to open up the flowers and the colors.

Yep. He sure is. He is going to do those things today and tomorrow and yesterday and next month and next year...He is going to keep on doing AMAZING things whether I take notice of them or not. There are amazing things going on around us all the name a few...Jacob, Jude and Grace and their precious car ride wisdom. Amazing.